Monday, June 24, 2013

Sick Kids=The Worst

I hate being sick, but I hate one thing more: My kids and husband being sick!

This week in my household:
1. Child G (5-years-old) had strep throat diagnosed Wednesday.
2. Child M (6-years-old) stubbed his toe and inevitably his big nail was hanging by a thread.
3. Child B (2.5-years-old) was diagnosed with strep throat and a double ear infection on Friday.
4. Child L (7-months-old) was diagnosed with strep throat and a single ear infection on Friday.
5. The husband had a migraine (not your typical migraine) all day Saturday, Sunday, and today.  He vomits violently and wants to die.  It's that bad, he also cries :(
6. Again with Child B (2.5-years-old) started vomiting with his horrible cough Sunday and today.

My throat's hurt all day, but I don't get added to the list because I'm the mom.

So, how was your weekend?

More to come...


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