Sunday, May 26, 2013

just like you

I entitled my blog "somewhere in the middle mom", because there are very few subjects that I am going to say, "it's like this, no other choice".  Here are some examples:

1. Organic eating: I would love to eat all organic, but cannot afford it so there are other ways.  I love to eat out.  Very few organic only restaurants around these parts, so we are not going to stop eating out.

2. Weight: I want to be healthy, in shape, thin, blah blah blah.  I will not give up desserts.  They bring me joy, so why would I.  I am no longer the size 2 I used to be, and I'm okay with that.

3. Music: Love all kinds, enough said.

4. Debt: I will not be a slave to credit card companies.  But, there are the occasional vacations and such that will go on a credit card that will be paid off ASAP.

5. Cooking: I love to cook/bake, but love to eat out.  We will not always eat at home and that is okay!

More to come...


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