Monday, May 27, 2013

Cresent Cheesecake Bake

Super yum, try it:

I <3 cheesecake!


I love babies.  Specifically my babies.  I used to love all babies and kids when I was young up until my twenties.  After my second child, I lost my passion, I'd say for all babies.  I still want kids to have enough to eat, be clean, etc. etc. etc.  I don't know why this is.  Probably something I need to work on.

More to come...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Panera's Broccoli Cheese Soup Recipe

Try it!


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just like you

I entitled my blog "somewhere in the middle mom", because there are very few subjects that I am going to say, "it's like this, no other choice".  Here are some examples:

1. Organic eating: I would love to eat all organic, but cannot afford it so there are other ways.  I love to eat out.  Very few organic only restaurants around these parts, so we are not going to stop eating out.

2. Weight: I want to be healthy, in shape, thin, blah blah blah.  I will not give up desserts.  They bring me joy, so why would I.  I am no longer the size 2 I used to be, and I'm okay with that.

3. Music: Love all kinds, enough said.

4. Debt: I will not be a slave to credit card companies.  But, there are the occasional vacations and such that will go on a credit card that will be paid off ASAP.

5. Cooking: I love to cook/bake, but love to eat out.  We will not always eat at home and that is okay!

More to come...

Hi :)

My name is Jennie.  Married to Garrett.  29-year-old mother of 4 boys in the middle of the country.  I love cooking, baking, being outside, trying new things, vacations, dessert, The Black Keys, and many other things.  Could go on awhile.  Most important in my life is the Lord.  More to come...

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